About School Feeding Program Nigeria

President's Speech

Education is the bedrock of an thriving societv. and the future of our nation hinges on the aualitv of its education svstem. Under the Renewed Hove Agenda. I stand committed to empowering our nation's most precious assets -our children.

Countless school-aoing children in our nation face hunder and malnutrition. hindering their ability to learn and perpetuating cvcles of poverty It's imperative that we change this narrative and ensure no child's potential is stifled by bunger During the signing of the 2024 appropriation bill, I announced a crucial provision: the allocation of 100 billion naira for the feeding ofschool children. This significant provision serves as a stimulant to encourage school enrollment and combat malnutrition amona our youth.

The commitment of my Administration to the School Feeding Program is a visionarv pledae to create a brighter. more equitable future for our primarv school pupils It underscores my unwavering dedication to their well_being and educational opportunities I envision classrooms filled with not only knowledae but also the aroma of nutritious meals where learning is nourished by health and banniness.

Mv intention is to build on the aains of the bast vears. ensurina access. eauitv. and aualitv for all Niderian children. redardless of their location. tribe or culture The success of the school feedina proaram relies on the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders. Together. we can ensure this initiative becomes a beacon of hope for future generations.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR)
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

We embark on a noble mission to nurture the minds and bodies of our nation's future leaders through the provision of nutritious meals to school children across Nigeria. Our dedication to this cause is steadfast, rooted in the belief that education and nutrition are fundamental rights every child deserves. We reject the notion that hunger or malnutrition should impede a child's pursuit of knowledge. Thus, we endeavor to ensure that every child in government-owned public schools receives a nourishing meal crafted from home-grown agricultural crops.

Central to our efforts is a vision for social protection, economic empowerment, and sustainable development. By providing meals to school children, we not only alleviate immediate hunger but also foster job creation, stimulate local economies, and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) like zero hunger, improved health, and quality education However, we acknowledge the challenges that persist, such as low donor funding and data discrepancies. Thus, our office is committed to proposing comprehensive reforms to strengthen and standardize school feeding programs in Nigeria. We aim to align our initiatives with global best practices and ensure they effectively deliver on their intended objectives.

We are not merely providers of meals; we are agents of change, catalysts for progress, and champions of equity. Our work transcends the confines of school walls, reaching into the heart of communities, revitalizing local economies, and instilling hope for a better tomorrow.

As we navigate the complexities of our mission, we do so with resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of every Nigerian child. Let us harness the power of collaboration, innovation, and compassion to overcome obstacles and realize our shared vision of a nation where every child thrives, nourished in body and mind. Together, we are laying the foundation to transform the lives of Nigerian children and pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

Dr. Yetunde M. Adeniji
Senior Special Assistant to the President Of Nigeria on School Feeding


While our public schools stand as beacons of hope and centers of learning, we must also acknowledge the pervasive challenges faced by many of our children, particularly in the realm of nutrition. Millions of Nigerian children experience food insecurity, malnutrition, and hunger, which not only affect their physical well-being, but also hinder their cognitive development and capacity to learn.
It is a sobering reality that, in Nigeria, as in many parts of the world, children attend school with empty stomachs, aching for sustenance. Hunger, malnutrition, and a lack of access to nutritious meals often lead to decreased school attendance, lower concentration levels, and diminished academic performance. This not only deprives our children of their right to quality education but also perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality.

In response to these challenges and driven by previous government's unwavering commitment to nurturing the potential of our youth, we intend to reform the National Framework for School Feeding Program in Nigeria. This visionary initiative aims to address the critical intersection of education and nutrition, ensuring that our public primary school pupils not only have access to quality education but also enjoy the benefits of a nutritious meal during their school day.

Program Objectives

The Program Objectives include, but not limited to the following

Improved Child Nutrition

To ensure that primary school pupils receive daily nutritious meal that meets their dietary needs and contribute to their overall health and well-being

Increase School Attendance

To encourage regular school attendance by providing an incentive for all children to attend classes, reducing absenteeism , and improving overall school retention rates.

Enhancing Educational Performance

To improve pupils cognitive development, concentration, and academic performance by addressing the nutritional barriers that hinder learning.

Promote Equity And Inclusion

To ensure that the school Feeding Program reaches underserved and vulnerable population, reducing disparities in access to education and especially around our indigent population

Reduce Malnutrition

To contribute to the reduction of malnutrition among primary school pupils, thereby supporting their physical growth and cognitive development.

Alleviate Hunger

To mitigate the effects of hunger and food insecurity, ensuring that no child goes to school on an empty stomach.

Enhancing Educational Performance

To improve pupils cognitive development, concentration, and academic performance by addressing the nutritional barriers that hinder learning.

Enhance Community Engagement

The program will foster community involvement in program implementation, encouraging parents, teachers, and local communities to take active role of supporting the program success.

Support Local Agriculture

The program would support the use of locally-sourced and culturally- appropriate food items in school meals contributing to the growth of local agricultural economies.

Build Sustainable System

The program will establish robust system for procurement, distribution and monitoring to ensure the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of the system.

Promote Gender Equality

The program would promote gender equality by ensuring that both boys and girls have equal access to the program benefits and opportunities.

Empower Local Communities

TLocal communities will be empowered with the knowledge and skills related to nutrition, food preparation, and program management.

Strengthen Coordination

There will be effective coordination among relevant government ministries, departments, and external partners involved in program implementation.

Foster Research And Innovation

It will encourage research and innovation in the field of school feeding to continuously improve program effectiveness.